The search for the best Chicago-style hot dog in LA was on my "To Do" list for 2008, but it turns out that Losanjealous' Kid Danger has already done my work for me.
Awwwesome. Thanks to both of you for sharing your wisdom. I will have to check out the Circle. I've always been a fan of Donald's on Western Ave, near Midway. It's always my first stop upon arrival.
5 comments: dogs...
dude, i mean, to be obvious and all...that was aaron's article. bahaha. we did chicago style hot dog testing IN chicago last summer.
Oh, I know. Facebook told me.
So where are the best Chicago dogs in Chicago?
Wiener Circle in Lakeview. It's on north clark.
Awwwesome. Thanks to both of you for sharing your wisdom. I will have to check out the Circle. I've always been a fan of Donald's on Western Ave, near Midway. It's always my first stop upon arrival.
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